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Supporting local small business in New York

New York, USA

Sins the last years I noticed that responsibility in how you travel became much more an important topic. And yes I also have questioned myself many times why again I should take a plane or find an inexpensive hotel and simply consume and relax. At the end what is it about traveling ? To meet people from different cultures & religions, interexchange experiences with them. Discovering a city or rural landscape that is different from the one you know.

When we were invited to visit New York for a story about the Bronx we got in touch with Turnstile Tours an organization providing tours to visit and eat at different Food Trucks. The organization found a way of entertaining tourist whilst at the same time having a positive social impact. Supporting local Food Truck businesses, mostly run by newly arrived Immigrants. They not only help the entrepreneurs with customers but also providing them with legal advise through a specific NGO so they can better set up their businesses.
It was great to see how they are able to create a positieve sociale impact with tourism for a local community with limited economic resources.

Responsible travel